Support American Made Energy

Letter to Federal Agency:

To whom it may concern:

Every previous administration since the 1980s, representing Presidents of both parties has understood the strategic advantages of U.S. offshore energy development. They put this into practice by fulfilling their statutory obligation to maintain an offshore leasing program and hold lease sales.

Unfortunately, to date, the Biden administration has held one federal offshore lease sale – and that was vacated in litigation. By comparison, within the first 500 days of the Obama administration, the Department of the Interior had held 3 offshore lease sales, generating over $2 billion in revenue.

I am writing today to encourage you to follow history and commonsense by moving forward with a robust 5-year program that includes all 11 proposed lease sales.

Lost revenue. More oil imported from abroad. Higher energy prices. A missed opportunity to help our allies in Europe that desperately want to end their reliance on Russian energy. All of these are at stake if we fail to develop our vast resources here at home. That starts with fulfilling your obligation to schedule and hold robust lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico.

I hope you will consider my views, and the view of millions of Americans, as you determine the next steps on your offshore leasing program. Please move forward with all proposed lease sales over the next 5 years.


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