Give Doctors the Tools They Need to Provide the Best Care for Patients & Our Communities
Significant advances in healthcare technology, including comprehensive genomic sequencing – which allows providers and patients to make sense of their genetic makeup – have resulted in enormous benefits that improve patient outcomes while reducing overall healthcare costs.
This includes population genomics or genetic testing across large-scale cohorts of patients that increases access to genetics for ALL communities. Population genomics allows health systems to uncover genetic risk more efficiently at the point of care to improve patient outcomes, address community health inequities, and more effectively engage patients and providers.
Patients for Population Genomics is a patient-centered group of grassroots advocates who urge healthcare leaders to have the foresight and fortitude to take advantage of the benefits that result from population genomics programs. Only then can they provide the best care for patients to create healthier communities all across the country.
Tell your local hospital or health system that NOW is the time to implement population-scale genomic screening for our community.
Subject: We want better care and healthier communities
We want our doctors to provide us with the most personalized care possible – but that means providing them insights into our genetic risks.
Has your hospital incorporated a population genomics program to ensure access to genetic screening for everyone in our community?
Information around a patient’s genetics can allow for earlier prediction or diagnosis of chronic diseases, which can significantly increase patient chances of successful prevention or treatment. And healthier patients lead to healthier communities all across the country.
More and more health care providers are improving their patients’ and community’s health outcomes by incorporating population genomics solutions into their routine care – is yours one of them?
Thank you,