No on HB 1724
Dear Chair Ward, Vice Chair Herring, and members of the House Labor and Commerce Committee:
Virginians need help with the cost of their prescription drugs—it’s true. But please don’t turn your back on patients by passing legislation that would impact hope for new treatments,
potentially limit access to existing medications and serve as a roadblock to future innovations in research and development.
House Bill 1724 to form a Prescription Drug Advisory Board (PDAB) will do all of that.
Giving a PDAB the power to determine what medications are available in Virginia, based on
cost and other arbitrary factors, but not the expertise of doctors and the individual medical
needs of patients will negatively impact patient health and put research and development that Virginia patients need in jeopardy.
PDABs enacted in other states like neighboring Maryland and Colorado have done little to save patients money but have cost millions to implement.
Putting limits on what medications will be covered in the Commonwealth will mean patients – could be denied medications now or in years to come.
Thank you.