Here is a copy of the letter we will send to your lawmakers:
Dear Lawmaker,
Thank you for all you do in the legislature to support small businesses and all you have done to help our local restaurants, taverns, and hotels. The $500 million grant you supported will help businesses get
back on their feet. As you know, the pandemic really hurt the restaurant and hospitality industry in our community. Small businesses are still struggling, and they need to find tens of thousands of workers to
fill good-paying jobs. Please keep $5 million in the state budget to help connect workers with local jobs and help put people back to work.
back on their feet. As you know, the pandemic really hurt the restaurant and hospitality industry in our community. Small businesses are still struggling, and they need to find tens of thousands of workers to
fill good-paying jobs. Please keep $5 million in the state budget to help connect workers with local jobs and help put people back to work.