Dear Lawmaker,
As a concerned Minnesota resident, I am writing to urge you to slow down rather than rushing forward with legislation to create a government-run public option health insurance system in our state.
The public option would come with significant costs at a time when Minnesotans can’t afford to pay more. It could also threaten patients’ access to affordable, high-quality care, especially in Minnesota’s rural and underserved communities.
There is no successful public option in any state in America, and it has failed to bring costs down for consumers in the few states where it has been tried.
Minnesota patients deserve proven solutions that work to expand access to affordable, quality care for everyone. We need to improve on what’s working in health care today – not put it at risk by rushing to create an unaffordable new public option system controlled by the state government that puts our access to quality care at risk.
I strongly urge you not to rush ahead with legislation to create the public option.
Thank you.