Iowa Stands Against Antisemitism
Here is a copy of the letter we will send to your lawmakers:
Dear Lawmaker,
As one of your constituents, I am writing today to ask that you support SSB 3010/HSB538, legislation that aims to combat antisemitism in our state. The bill would require the state to take into consideration the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism when examining whether or not there has been an unlawful discriminatory act in Iowa.
This definition is the cornerstone of President Donald Trump’s 2019 Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism (#13899). This order largely mimicked legislation, The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, authored by Representative Ted Deutch (D-FL). The order mandates that the IHRA definition be used as guidance for the purposes of government agencies tasked with enforcing Title VI. As you know, there are few issues on which leaders from both parties agree, but combating antisemitism enjoys widespread bipartisan support.
Such support exists because addressing the issue is vital. The Anti-Defamation League’s analysis of antisemitic incidents has shown such incidents have increased dramatically in recent years. In fact, even in our own state, hatred has found traction. There are numerous known examples of neo-Nazi activity in Iowa. For example, in December of 2020, an underpass in Marion was spray-painted with antisemitic graffiti, and earlier that year, several areas in Iowa City’s City Park were vandalized with swastikas and other antisemitic graffiti.
We must take a stand against the antisemitism in our midst, and this legislation draws a clear line in the sand. Please join your colleagues and support this legislation without delay.
Thank you,
Your Constituent