There are so many dates that we need to remember. When to vote is one of the biggest. Our voices need to be heard, so we must ensure that we are there on the right day. This can be a little extra confusing when you take in that you can early vote as well. So why would this be a benefit? That is a great question, and maybe it could be the best thing for you and your family.



Are you the type that tends to forget things? Putting the dates for the early voting gives you a first and the second chance to make sure you get in to vote. The goal is that you will get your vote in early and not have to worry about running out of time. If you forget to get there on the early voting days, it will hopefully help you be ready for the official voting times. It is always great to have a second chance when it comes to something so important.



Not everyone will feel the need to get out and vote early. However, the lines for early voting are typically shorter than those on the last election day. If you hate waiting in lines, this should be a benefit you are ready to receive. The more people who vote early will also help shorten the lines in a few months. Not only are you getting ahead of the crowd, but you will be supporting the others and giving them a shorter wait time. No one likes to be stuck anywhere. So let’s keep the lines moving by getting in before for early voting.


More options can help get those who don’t feel they have the time out the door and to the polls. Also, seeing friends and family with their stickers is another nudge to those that tend to sit it out. Those talking about the ease in which they voted can help get others to do the same. Even though we should all want a say in who is elected to represent us, at times, there is a need for a little push to get us going.



Those working to help get our votes in will appreciate us coming out early. They may have to work an extra day, but it gives them more time to get everything counted. With people spread out a few more days, the daily numbers will be less. They will thank you when they go home a little earlier than expected. It is their job, but we always want to do what we can to lift the burdens of others.


The biggest thing we can get and give for early voting is more happiness. With the extra time, those who are forgetful will be less stressed to do their duty. Also, waiting in shorter lines will put a smile on even the grumpiest person’s face. And we will know that we did our part.

Get Out and Vote!
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