Support HR4288

I’m writing to express my support for the bipartisan bill H.R. 4288 and ask for Congress to support its inclusion in this year’s Farm Bill and other legislative vehicles. The legislation will help ensure access to crop protection products like pesticides that are critical to farmers across our state. Despite the EPA’s explicit labeling authority under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), some states are trying to add labeling requirements that directly contradict the EPA’s decades-long scientific conclusions on the safety of specific pesticides.


If not addressed, these efforts will threaten the future of domestic pesticide production and make it harder for farmers to protect their crops, feed our country, and make a living. Reps. Johnson and Costa’s bill reaffirms FIFRA’s explicit acknowledgment that the EPA is the preeminent authority on pesticide labeling and packaging requirements. And contrary to critics’ claims, the bill does not impact use restrictions and would not insulate any manufacturer of these products from current or future litigation.


Pesticides allow farmers everywhere to grow crops efficiently with less land and fewer resources. They also help keep food prices down. On average, farmers lose up to 40% of crops each year. Without pesticides, losses could be as high as 85%, which would drive up food costs and probably lead to more people going hungry.


As you may know, agriculture contributes significantly to our state’s economy. But farming is a difficult business with long hours and few days off, and farmers depend on crop protection tools like pesticides to effectively do their jobs. Restricting access to these products would make the job much more difficult. By making clear that states cannot require warnings that are different from or in addition to EPA-approved labels, we can protect science-based regulation, America’s food security, our local economy, and farmers’ livelihoods.


America’s farmers are counting on your support.

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