Are you affiliated with the Republican or Democratic party? Neither? Are you among the 40% who consider themselves an independent or nonpartisan political party? An independent politician is an individual who is not affiliated with...
Politics and Friendships

Politics and Friendships

The great thing about our country and our voting system is everyone has an opportunity to express their opinions and find a candidate that speaks to their views for the future of America.  One of the disruptive aspects of this is nowadays people have a hard time...
The Importance of Third Parties and Their Voters

The Importance of Third Parties and Their Voters

Finding a candidate that is in line with your views can be difficult when you feel as though you only have two options.  Where else in our lives have we been pigeonholed into only two options?  Not a lot in a world of endless opportunities.  Our government and voting...
How to Vote

How to Vote

If you’ve never voted, it’s not too late to start. Many emphasize that it’s our civic duty to vote, and voting is easier than you may think. Before you vote: Check Your Registration If you’re not sure if you’re registered to vote, you can check here to see if you’re...
Famous Presidential Quotes

Famous Presidential Quotes

As leaders of our country, presidents have shared and demonstrated their wisdom and experiences. Here’s a collection of inspiring quotes that will motivate you to be a better leader in your community. 1. George Washington (1789-1797) “Associate yourself with men...
Choosing a Political Party

Choosing a Political Party

Politics and political issues have always been a hot topic and maybe now more than ever. In our current atmosphere everyone seems like they have an opinion and everyone wants a chance to be heard.  The best way to get you voice heard is by voting. The first step...
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